In Season

In Season stories published in Maui Nō Ka ʻOi Magazine.


The One That Got Away?

Ulua are no easy catch. The powerful, deep-sea-dwelling predators can weigh over 100 pounds. And they’re smart.

Night Lights: Bioluminescence

Glowing creatures in Hawaii's seas light up the night.

Hala: The Hawaiian Aphrodisiac

When foraging for plants to kindle romance, the love-struck Hawaiian had no further to look than the distinctive Hala tree.
Hawaiian raspberry

We Give You the Raspberry

‘Akala, the native Hawaiian raspberry, is one of the native plants bringing life back to Poli Poli forest after last January’s devastating fire.

Haleakalā Silverswords

Summer is the prime time to observe an only-on-Maui botanical phenomenon: the blooming of the Haleakalā silverswords.
Portuguese Man-O-War

Blue Tide

Who are these carnivorous beauties?
Ulili bird Hawaii

The Voice of the Ulili

The “wandering tattler spends the summer nesting near streams in the Alaskan tundra. When the weather starts to cool, the birds fly south to Hawai‘i.

Hawaiian Turmeric

Turmeric is prized around the world for its yellow color, bold flavor, and medicinal properties. When Polynesian voyagers first sailed to Hawai‘i, they brought the pungent herb with them.
hawaii butterfly, kamehameha

On The Wing

Entomologists fear this endemic butterfly, our official state insect, may be disappearing from forests.
hawaiian owl pueu

Hawaiian Owl: Love Is in the Air

Autumn is a thrilling time for Hawaiian owls and those who admire them.

Autumn Harvest

In Hawai‘i, the ipu (bottle gourd) ripens in the fall.
aalii Hawaiian shrub

The Steadfast ‘A‘ali‘i

The native Hawaiian shrub 'a'ali'i is as tough as it is beautiful. Learn about its role in restoring ecosystems, and its uses for Hawaii's lei makers and crafters.
constellation scorpio

Summer Stargazing

Take advantage of Maui’s warm summer nights by gazing up into the star speckled sky.
Aeo chicks

Wetland Chic: Ae‘o Stilts

Summer is the season to look for an exceptionally photogenic shorebird: ae‘o, the Hawaiian black-necked stilt.

Spring Cleaning

‘Awapuhi is one of the twenty-seven species known as “canoe plants”—plants the first Hawaiians carried with them and relied on when colonizing these Islands.
maui sea urchins

The Urchin and the Hala Tree

Learn about hala trees (Pandanus tectorius), which are among Hawai‘i’s most recognizable and versatile native plants.
hawaiian bat

Bats on the Wing

When the Polynesians first made landfall in Hawaii, their closest relative here was a bat.


When in bloom—as it is about now—mamane is an explosion of color: bursts of yellow petals.

Return of the Wiliwili

This native tree breaks all the rules. It grows on barren lava fields, loses its leaves in summer, and, faced with a deadly invasive pest, backed away from the brink of extinction.
Kanawao Hydrangea

Kanawao: Hawai‘i’s Hydrangea

Beautiful and distinctive kanawao shrubs decorate rain forests across Hawai‘i.
Hawaiian sphinx moth

The Hawaiian Sphinx’s Riddle

Hawaiian Sphinx Moth is endangered and rare with many bright colors and can found in the winter months in a nocturnal environment.
maui sea turtles

Turtle Tracks

Since 1996, volunteers have helped Hawaiian hawksbills turtles reach the ocean, and you can too.
Hawaiian Lightning

Divine Flash: Lightning

January and February is the best time to view lightning in Hawaiʻi.
Haha flowers Hawaii

Hāhā: The Velvet Touch

Some of Maui’s strangest flowers bloom in winter—though witnessing these living curiosities requires some effort and a sharp eye.
hale pepe trees

Hula Tree

Among the most charismatic species in the Hawaiian dry-land forest, six different species of hala pepe trees exist — each one endemic to its own Hawaiian island.
red ti leaf

Rainy Season

Ho‘oilo starts in November and marks the rainy season in Hawaii. Micro climates and rain fall varies with wind, geography and elevation.

Social Climber: ‘ie‘ie

This versatile vine wove its way into the fabric of Hawaiian life.

Maui Events & News

Imua Family Services’ Will Smith Discovery Garden

A World of Pure Imagination  Story by Savy Janssen Photographs by Jason Moore  Sunlight filtered through the outstretched arms of the 120-year-old monkey pod trees, and...

In Season

Becky's Backyard