Editor’s Letter
Mauka to Makai
My mornings start mauka to makai.
I strap on my helmet, turn on my high-intensity headlight and check the tire pressure on my...
Editor’s Letter
E mālama i nāholoholona lōhiu (Care for wildlife)
WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY is a business of long hours and patience. As legendary Maui-based whale photographer and co-founder...
Just Keep Swimming
Whether your style is to blindly jump in, or to simply test the water with your toes, I hope you find your perfect beach.
Kama‘āina Christmas
Wishing you a kama‘āina Christmas filled with sweetness and spice, respect and love.
Yin Brown Pig—Happy New Year!
The Year of the Pig is a time for calm reflection of the past 11 years.
A Little Whipped Cream . . .
Wishing you a holiday filled with friends, family, food, love, and a little whipped cream—for the memories.
Into the Wind
Congratulations to all our winners, and to everyone who paddles into the wind, every day.
A Toast to Auld Lang Syne
Wishing you a new year in which the brown dog lies low, the path is clear, and riches abound in the most surprising places.
Dim sum, kugel or Christmas pudding, we’re all family.
Wishing you a holiday season filled with gratitude and tolerance, fond memories, laughter, and good health. And perhaps a little dim sum!
Publisher's Notes
From the Publisher
Maui No Ka Oi Magazine publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn reflects on her recent trip to Italy and the kamaʻaina in us all.