May-June 2017

May-June 2017 issue of Maui Nō Ka ʻOi Magazine

upcountry maui

Perfect Day Upcountry + VIDEO

Follow your local guide and make the most of Upcountry Maui.
Maui Kitchen design

Good Cooks, Great Kitchens

An exceptional kitchen inspires many meals.
Kahekili Reef

Let Them Eat Algae

Kā‘anapali’s marine reserve is protecting the reef by protecting the fish.
2017 kapalua wine and food festival

Move over, Bacchus — Jordan’s in the House

Michael Jordan will be lead sommelier for the sixth consecutive year at the Kapalua Wine and Food Festival.

Broke da Mouth! Best of Maui Dining 2017

Here are a few of our readers’ favorite ‘Aipono-winning restaurants on Maui.

Cuckoo for Coconuts (VIDEOS)

Ryan Burden is out to change the way we view coconuts — one niu and one customer at a time.
Maui Chef of the Year Jojo Vasquez

2017 Chef of the Year Jojo Vasquez

As executive chef at The Plantation House, Jojo Vasquez creates light and delectable island-style fare.
4 wheeling lanai hawaii

Chasing Daylight on Lāna‘i

Taking an island romp on Lāna‘i can find you slinging arrows . . . or mud . . . or more.

The Great Chef Exchange (VIDEO)

Chefs are notoriously open to learning and are often enamored of their peers, which makes for a successful “chef exchange.”
publisher's note

Food, Glorious Food!

The spirit of aloha it is alive and well on Maui — accessible to all of us, even if the gift is as humble as chicken soup.