Ooey Gooey Chia Brownies


raw brownies by Choice Health Bar in MauiAuthors: Emily Kunz and Kathryn Dahm of Choice Health Bar

Description: These gluten-free treats require no baking. Preparation takes less than an hour, not counting the time for them to chill.

Prep Time: Less than 1 hour

Number of Servings: One dozen 2-inch brownies


  • 1 cup chia seeds (soaked in 2 cups room-temperature filtered water 30 minutes)
  • 1 1/2 cups raw almonds
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar
  • 1/3 cup cacao powder
  • pinch of Himalayan salt
  • pinch of Maui vanilla powder
  • 2 tablespoons lucuma*
  • 4 tablespoons raw almond butter

Directions: Add filtered water to chia seeds and stir well. Soak 30 minutes. Water will be absorbed into the seeds. Process almonds to a fine powder in a dry-food processor. This may take a few minutes. Add dry ingredients: coconut sugar, cacao powder, salt, vanilla powder and lucuma. Blend until the color turns a uniform chocolatey brown. Add the almond butter and blend until smooth.

Add half the soaked chia seeds, blend, then add the other half. Transfer contents to a bowl and stir by hand to a smooth consistency. The dough should be slightly damp. Spread dough on a plate or small cookie sheet to 3/4-inch thickness. Sprinkle coconut sugar and lucuma powder on top.

Place in freezer for 10 minutes to set the dough. Slice into 2” squares. Keeps well in the refrigerator for up to a week. Enjoy!

* Lucuma is a low-glycemic sweetener made from eggfruit (Pouteria lucuma). You can find this product at Choice Health Bar or your local health-food store.


  1. Has anyone tried this recipe? I did and it was a disaster. Is there an incorrect quantity of something perhaps? Maybe the Chia seeds? Mine are more like weird pieces of goo rather than the fabulous brownies I had at your place when I was in Maui. If anyone has any ideas or recommendations I’d really appreciate it!


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