Publisher's Notes

Stories by Diane Haynes Woodburn.

publisher's note

Publisher’s Note

Maui No Ka Oi Publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn talks story about an emergency journey in the Pacific and recalls the many challenges that face our own small island in this environmental issue.
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Publisher’s Note

Maui No Ka Oi Publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn talks about the end of the world, tsunami warnings and desserts.

Me Ka Aloha Pumehana

Maui No Ka Oi magazine publisher, Diane Haynes Woodburn, honors the memory of her father and reflects on the gifts he has left behind.
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Puddle Jump to Maui

Our publisher shares her vacation stories, then introduces our Travel Issue, where you can find tons of reasons to start exploring Maui.
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Publisher’s Note

Maui No Ka Oi Publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn talks about the disappearing honeybees and the environmental heroes making a difference on Maui.
maui publisher

Publisher’s Note

Maui No Ka Oi Magazine Publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn recalls a birthday celebration that began with disaster and ended with another great Maui memory.
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From the Publisher

Diane Haynes-Woodburn reflects on the one constant in life—change—and previews some of the exciting stories of rebirth and renewal in the spring issue.
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From the Publisher

Maui Nō Ka ‘Oi publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn welcomes the Year of the Dragon, which promises big changes for the world – and this magazine.
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From the Publisher

A stroll in nature helps our publisher change her perspective of domestic chaos into one opportunity during the holiday season.
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From the Publisher

MNKO’s publisher offers a sneak peek at the fashion-themed fall issue, introduces new staff and bids a fond farewell to others—all while balancing a giant rose on her head.
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Best Regional Magazine

Maui No Ka Oi Magazine publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn humbly accepts top honors for Best Regional Magazine at the Western Publishing Association's Maggie Awards.
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From the Publisher

The morning of the 2011 Japanese tsunami the Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Voyaging Society canoe is taken from its sandy resting place at the edge of an ancient fishpond by the early-morning tidal wave.
maui publisher

From the Publisher

It's time to welcome in the Year of the Rabbit.
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From the Publisher

Our publisher wishes everyone a year of joy and hotel rooms with hot showers.
publisher's note

From the Publisher

Maui No Ka Oi Magazine publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn discusses aloha spirit.
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From the Publisher

Maui No Ka Oi Magazine publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn reflects on her recent trip to Italy and the kamaʻaina in us all.
publisher's note

From the Publisher

A note from our publisher on turning sixty.
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Publisher’s Note

The publisher of Maui no ka 'oi Magazine relates the story of her jaguar xk8 going up in flames in the Pukalani Foodland parking lot.
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From the Publisher

Miracles do happen.
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From the Publisher

Happy New Year! Let’s bring this one in with a roar!
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From the Publisher

Reflections on the 2009 holiday season from a tiny boat off Molokai's north shore.
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From the Publisher

Our publisher begins summer vacation on Kaua‘i, with a reunion of family and friends.
publisher's note

Publisher’s Note

Our publisher speaks about change in the air...
maui publisher

Publisher’s Note

Real and metaphorical sharks.
publisher's note

Publisher’s Note

If the honu can survive the dinosaurs, the ice age, man and mysterious disease, certainly we humans can survive a little economic blip.
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Publisher’s Note

Our publisher comments on the simple luxuries we share and that luxury is in the eye and heart of the beholder.
publisher's note

From the Publisher

May your own canoe—and your holidays—be filled with love, laughter, and the warmth of wonderful friends.

Publisher's Notes

publisher's note

The Kau Kau Tin

Diane learns about the kau kau tin, a traditional old Hawaiian lunch box, and celebrates the ohana and stars of Maui food culture.

Hawaii Beaches

Island Style