Sky Barnhart
Kapahu Living Farm
Kipahulu, Maui
Take a cultural interpretive hike and taro patch tour with the Lind ‘ohana through traditional restored lo‘i kalo (taro paddies).
Biotechnology and Agriculture Education Program
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Read reports from scientists about the process of genetic modification, and evaluate the pros and cons of using transgenic crops.
Maui County Farm Bureau
Learn about the opportunities MCFB offers for farmers to network and share in their community’s similar interests and goals.
GMO Free Hawai‘i
Locate grassroots groups on each of the major Hawaiian Islands working together to move Hawaiian agriculture away from GMOs and toward sustainable agriculture.
Cultural and Scientific Investigations in Kalo
University of Hawai‘i at Hilo
Check out the new culture-based, interdisciplinary course in kalo (taro) at UH Hilo.
The Center for Food Safety
Search on “taro” to find links to related resources.