Liddo Bitta Tita

Kathy Collins (a.k.a. Tita) is an actress, storyteller and radio personality. Like Tita, Ms. Collins grew up on Maui.

Tita Kathy Collins

No Can

When she heard about Hali‘imaile Pineapple Company starting up, Tita was so happy...
Tita Kathy Collins

Happy New Year!

Tita talks about new year's.
Tita Kathy Collins

Da Bes’ Gift

Tita asks Santa to give us the gift of giving.
Tita Kathy Collins


Dis time a da year, plenny people call me fo’ come tell ‘em spooky stories.
Tita Kathy Collins

Dim Sum

Tita talks about lucky numbers, and not so lucky relatives!
Tita Kathy Collins

Da bes’, once upon a time

To me, da Bes’ of Maui—den an’ now an’ always—is da people. And da people make Maui . . . da Bes’!
Tita Kathy Collins

Spring Fevah

“April showahs bring May flowahs.”
Tita Kathy Collins

Dear Prezadent Obama

Tita addresses the president.
Tita Kathy Collins

Tanks, eh?

Kathy Collins Why Septembah my mos’ fav’rite month: My birt’day. My bes’ friend’s birt’day. Maurice Sullivan’s birt’day. Who dat, Maurice Sullivan? He da guy went start Foodland Supah-Markets, and...
Tita Kathy Collins


Our local authority knows best!
Tita Kathy Collins

Da Bes’ Fo Real Kine

Tita has writer's block, but comes out alive.
Tita Kathy Collins

Eh, We Go Talk Trash

See, in da olden days on Maui, back when Tutu and Pops was helping their kids raise their kids, recycling came natural to all us local families.
Tita Kathy Collins

Da Muddah Tongue

Wala‘au with our newest columnist, Tita, a.k.a. Kathy Collins.

New Stories

Fork & Salad

Where freshness meets flavor on Maui By Savy Janssen                    When most people think of “farm to table,” they think of fine dining: candles and white linens,...