Whale Tales 2014

Passionate scientists, marine explorers, stunning photography and engaging dialogue make this annual event popular for whale lovers.


maui whale tales 2014

maui whale tales 2014New this year! Whale Tales kicks off with a reception on Friday, February 14, at Sugar Cane Maui Restaurant from 4 – 5:30 PM. Taste for yourself the buzz about Chef Philippe Chin, who comes to Maui with a long list of accomplishments and accolades.

$20 a ticket will support the Whale Tales beneficiaries. Light pupu and cash bar. Reserve your tickets now! Call 808-572-5700 or email apirnia@whaletrust.org

The party continues as you head to Campbell Park at dusk for a presentation under the stars by National Geographic photographer Flip Nicklin and underwater cinematographer Jason Sturgis. A visual presentation entitled “Whale Love” will delve deep into the social lives of humpback whale couples cavorting off the coast of Maui.

For complete schedule of events, visit WhaleTrust.org.
maui whale tales 2014

maui whale tales 2014


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