Rainbows are synonymous with Hawaiʻi.
But the truth is, despite growing up here, I had never given rainbows much thought.
Now to be clear, I love rainbows. I simply never pondered why we see so many here in Hawaiʻi. They’ve always been just a part of island life, kind of like rubber slippahs, plate lunches, and that perpetual layer of sand on your car floor.
In fact, rainbows are all around us: on the license plates of passing cars, monikers for various business (even the name of an entire mall in Kīhei), on shave ice menus.
Let’s rewind to last weekend: I was at the beach near Ukumehame when one of the most incredible rainbows I’ve ever seen appeared in the sky. And when I say “incredible,” I’m talking jaw dropping, stop what you’re doing, pinch yourself kind of rainbows. (Yup, I’m referring to the rainbow above.)
Then I remembered that a co-worker of mine, senior editor Rita Goldman, had written a story about the very topic. (She wrote this before I was on staff, so I only recently read the article.) It answers the question: WHY ARE THERE SO MANY RAINBOWS IN HAWAIʻI?
The answer, my friend, is pretty darn cool. Check it out for yourself:
But wait…here’s just one more rainbow shot before you leave. Apparently, we even like rainbows on our clothes over here!
Got a rainbow photo of your own? Please share—I’d love to see it!