Support Your Local Role Model


Story by Kathy Collins | Sasha Prince Photography

Maui role modelsAfter fifty-plus years on this earth, and having spent the last twenty fighting gravity with levity, “lingerie model” was the last gig I expected to be offered. Not even as part of a comedy performance. But then came Perfection.

As Victoria’s Secret plunges into the Maui market with a flurry of provocative ads starring supermodel “Angels,” Perfection Bra Fitting Salon is launching a very different type of campaign. With “Modeled by Role Models,” the Wailuku lingerie shop aims to focus beyond lacy undies to the woman inside. Perfection owner Terri Erwin says, “We’re showcasing the beauty of women . . . who bring positive change to the world by leading, inspiring and influencing.”

Erwin chose five Maui women, aged thirty to seventy-five, based on their contributions to the community, and their healthy approach to body image. Local photographer Sasha Prince captured the role models, including Maui County Councilmember Gladys Baisa, in lingerie by Panache, the U.K. company that originated the campaign. Stripped down to bare essentials, not a Skinny Minnie among us, we quickly bonded, and our insecurities gave way to appreciation of each other and, yes, of ourselves. The photo shoot felt more like a celebration of sisterhood.

Perfect Fit Bra

You’ll see the images in social media and print promotions, perhaps even in a pop-up exhibit or two. And should Baisa decide to throw her hat into the mayoral ring, her fellow role models have already picked out the perfect photo for her campaign posters.


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