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Kalo, a legendary plant, has deep roots in Hawaiian culture.


Recipes for Poi

Poi Preparation
All kalo should be thoroughly cooked to dissolve calcium-oxalate crystals, which can irritate the mouth if eaten raw.

Miki Poi
Boil kalo corms, scrape off peel with spoon, and mash while still warm. Add water bit by bit. Pound ‘til smooth.

Poi for Babies
Add a little milk to poi, stir it up, and feed the baby with a spoon.

—Adelaide Sylva

Poi Cocktail
• 1 cup milk
• 1/4 cup poi, or to taste
• Sugar to taste
• Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste
Simply beat the mix with a fork  and serve.

Taro Chips
Taro chips have become very popular. And expensive! Here is one recipe for them.
Boil whole unpeeled taro till cooked through. Chill. Then slice as thin as possible. Fry in hot oil until crisp (about 10 minutes). Use frying pan or deep fryer. Drain on cake rack using absorbent paper or newspaper, and sprinkle with salt or garlic salt.

—D. Leilehua Yuen
of Kau Kau Kitchen



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