Outstanding in Their Fields
Supporting local agriculture is good for Maui—and delicious for you. Start here:
Stop by Haleakala Creamery’s booth at the Upcountry Farmers Market,* or find farm-to-spoon caramel sauces and Goatlato ice cream at locations across Maui. For a list of retailers, visit the creamery’s website. The dairy also ships throughout the U.S. 756-3958; Haleakala Creamery.com; IceCreamFarm@gmail.com
Venues throughout Maui sell Surfing Goat Dairy cheeses. See website for retailers, buy online or at the dairy’s on-site shop. Tours range from casual excursions to a grand tour of the cheese-making process, samples included. Reservations required for some tours. 3651 ‘Ōma‘opio Road, Kula; 878-2870; SurfingGoatDairy.com
Look for Maui Olive Company on Saturday mornings at the Upcountry Farmers Market,* or stop by the orchard’s stand just below Ali‘i Kula Lavender Farm on Waipoli Road in Kula. Farm tours are expected to begin during the 2018 holiday season. 870-5671; Info@MauiOlive.com; MauiOlive.com
Olinda Olive Orchard partners with Maui Olive Company. Find them at the Upcountry Farmers Market* most Saturday mornings. 832-202-7813; OlindaOliveOrchard.com
Get your java fix with ‘Āina Gourmet Coffee, available at Aina Gourmet Market at Honua Kai Resort, Pacific’O restaurant, and the Feast at Lele lū‘au. Customers in the U.S. may order online at AinaGourmetCoffee.com/Store.
Looking for another way to perk up your day? Take O’o Farm’s Seed to Cup tour and see how the roasting process transforms green coffee into aromatic brown beans, then enjoy a farm-to-table breakfast. 651 Waipoli Road, Kula; 878-6160; AinaGourmetCoffee.com. Reservations required: 667-4341; Reservationist @AinaGourmetCoffee.com.
Choose from several flights MauiWine offers, and purchase your favorites at the winery’s tasting room in ‘Ulupalakua, open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MauiWine is licensed to ship to most states; visit the website for locations. Free guided tours of the estate, production area, and wine cellar are held daily at 10:30 and 1:30 p.m. Or enjoy a semiprivate tasting in the winery’s historic Old Jail building, daily at 11:15 a.m. Must be twenty-one or older. Reservations required. 14815 Pi‘ilani Highway, Kula; 878-6058; Info@MauiWine.com; MauiWine.com.
*The Upcountry Farmers Market runs Saturdays from 7 to 11.a.m. at Kulamalu Town Center in Pukalani. UpcountryFarmersMarket.com