Hana By Two Roads


At dinnertime, we decide to cross the street and try the Hāna Ranch Restaurant, also operated by Peter Longhi’s team. It’s more casual than the resort dining room, with appetizers such as potstickers, poke and chicken wings, and entrées that include burgers, pasta and fish. The signature dish, HRR barbecued ribs, catches my eye, followed by a decadent macadamia nut pie and ice cream that seem perfectly suited to the indulgent nature of our journey.

Day two finds us up and at ‘em! Well, up and ready to relax at Hāmoa, one of Hāna’s better-known beaches. Travaasa shuttles hotel guests back and forth to the beach, and part of the pleasure of holding a Travaasa room key is having access to a variety of beach necessities available at the beach shack, such as lounge chairs, boogie boards and snorkel gear.

The resort even delivers a picnic lunch to your beach blanket or lounge chair at Hāmoa Bay. I’ve nearly forgotten that I filled out an order card the night before, when an attendant shows up with our lunch: grilled fish wrap, romaine salad, and chicken club. It is the ultimate laid-back luxury—to spend the day at the shore, watching the waves roll in, without having to lug a cooler or beach chair along. Or anything else, for that matter.

Removing all concerns from the hearts and minds of world-weary guests is what Hotel Travaasa Maui does best. And isn’t that the greatest luxury of all?

Tip: If you are keen on experiencing the drive to Maui’s most remote community, and earning the “I Survived the Road to Hāna” t-shirt, consider that you really only need to do it one way. Hotel Travaasa has struck a deal with Enterprise Car Rental that lets you fly to Hāna, then rent a car from the hotel during your stay and for the ride back. The price includes drop-off charges in Kahului, an elegant solution that also helps to alleviate congestion on the well-traveled route.

Travaasa Hāna | www.travaasa.com | (808) 248-8211 | Toll Free (888) 965-5890




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