Golf tips


Wailea old blue golf courseGolf Tip #1
The Step of Commitment

By Jerry King, PGA
Director, Kapalua Golf Academy

Committing 100 percent to every decision you make on the golf course is a must if you expect to play golf competitively or for fun with a level state of mind. When you are standing behind the ball looking to the target before each play, make a final decision regarding all aspects of the shot. For example: alignment of target, line of putt, landing area, trajectory, shape of shot, and club selection. After making a solid decision take a deep cleansing breath, then make the first step towards approaching the ball be your Step of Commitment. Between that step and producing the shot, you must be fully committed with confidence and certainty. If any doubt or distraction arises for any reason (such as a gust of wind), step back and repeat the process. It’s amazing what a consistent routine with a Step of Commitment can do for your golf game!

Golf Tip #2
How to Escape from a Pot Bunker

By David H. Gleason, PGA
GM/Director of Golf, The Dunes at Maui Lani G. C.

  • Address the ball with your stance parallel to the target line.
  • Drop your left foot back six to eight inches, creating an open stance.
  • Turn the sandwedge in your hand slightly clockwise, opening the clubface
  • Take a backswing from this address position outside the target line as much as a 45-degree angle.
  • On your downswing, cut across the target line at a like 45 degrees.
  • Hit down approximately two or three inches behind the ball and follow through, leaving the face of the club in the open position throughout the swing.

Swinging in this manner should allow the ball to elevate quickly and escape from the dreaded but challenging pot bunker.

Golf Tip #3
Course Etiquette

By Bradley Bowen, PGA
Head Golf Professional, Kahili Golf Course

While it’s section I of the rule book, course etiquette it is too often overlooked by many golfers. The overriding principle is that consideration should be shown to others at all times.

“The Spirit of the Game” refers to the integrity each player should exhibit. Players should maintain a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, despite how competitive he or she may be.

Safety: When taking a stroke or practice swing, players should ensure that no one is within striking zone of their club, ball, or any debris. If an errant shot is hit, always yell “fore” to alert others. Wait until the group in front is out of range before commencing play.

Consideration for Other Players: Do not disturb fellow players with unnecessary noise, conversation, or cell phones. When an opponent is about to play, one should not stand near, nor directly behind the ball, or directly behind the hole. On the green, do not stand on, or cast a shadow over, another’s line of putt.

Pace of Play: Players should always keep up with the group in front, by being ready to play when it is their turn.

Care of the Course: Leave the course as good as, or better, than you found it. Before leaving a bunker, a player should rake the sand smooth. On the greens, fix pitch marks. Always sand your divots on Bermuda grass, and replace your divots on Bent grass.


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