Publisher's Notes

Stories by Diane Haynes Woodburn.

publisher's note

Publisher’s Note

The publisher of Maui no ka 'oi Magazine relates the story of her jaguar xk8 going up in flames in the Pukalani Foodland parking lot.
publisher's note

From the Publisher

Our publisher begins summer vacation on Kaua‘i, with a reunion of family and friends.
publisher's note

Truly the Best

The best is relative, I’ve learned.
publisher's note

Just Keep Swimming

Whether your style is to blindly jump in, or to simply test the water with your toes, I hope you find your perfect beach.
maui publisher

Kama‘āina Christmas

Wishing you a kama‘āina Christmas filled with sweetness and spice, respect and love.

Editor’s Letter

Mauka to Makai My mornings start mauka to makai. I strap on my helmet, turn on my high-intensity headlight and check the tire pressure on my...
publisher's note

After the Storm

The aloha we carry in our hearts endures any storm.
publisher's note

One Canoe

We are all in the same boat—and strongest when we paddle together.
maui publisher

Among Friends

On an island you are never far from friends.
publisher's note

Embracing the Tiger

In this New Year, embrace the optimism of the Water Tiger!

Editor’s Letter

E mālama i nāholoholona lōhiu (Care for wildlife) WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY is a business of long hours and patience. As legendary Maui-based whale photographer and co-founder...
publisher's note

The Porcine Torpedo

What is the quintessential island living story?
publisher's note

From the Publisher

Reflections on the 2009 holiday season from a tiny boat off Molokai's north shore.

Publisher's Notes

publisher's note

Dim sum, kugel or Christmas pudding, we’re all family.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with gratitude and tolerance, fond memories, laughter, and good health. And perhaps a little dim sum!

Hawaii Beaches

Island Style