Liddo Bitta Tita

Kathy Collins (a.k.a. Tita) is an actress, storyteller and radio personality. Like Tita, Ms. Collins grew up on Maui.

Liddo Bitta Tita, Kathy Collins

Da Real Kine Christmas

Island holiday traditions can be funny and just as fun as a white Christmas!
maui beaches

Da Beaches of Maui County

Tita shares her memories and choices for the best beaches on Maui and talks about the famous Waikiki Beach on Oahu where her family picks seaweed fresh off the beach and eats it.
Tita Kathy Collins

Eh, We Go Talk Trash

See, in da olden days on Maui, back when Tutu and Pops was helping their kids raise their kids, recycling came natural to all us local families.
Kathy Collins as Tita

Da Big Ambrosia

Tita, the alter ego of radio personality Kathy Collins, takes on the Big Apple and decides its more like the Big Ambrosia.
Kathy Collins Liddo Bitta Tita

Tita Leaves for Vacation

Tita goes on vacation to the East Coast.
Kathy Collins as Tita

Tanks, Eh?

The Pidgin speaking alter ego of Kathy Collins, Tita, shares her favorite Thanksgiving story inspired by a famous brothers Grimm fairy tale.
Tita Kathy Collins

Da bes’, once upon a time

To me, da Bes’ of Maui—den an’ now an’ always—is da people. And da people make Maui . . . da Bes’!
Tita new haircut

Da Long an’ Da Short

Inspired by her new short haircut, Tita shares Hawaiian, Filipino, Japanese and Chinese beliefs, customs and superstitions about haircuts.
Tita Kathy Collins

Dis Bon Connected to da Mem’ry Bone

Tita talks about Maui's Obon dances, and visiting with the spirit of her Okinawan grandfather.
Kathy Collins, Tita

A Not So Scary Plot

Tita shares her memories of Halloween growing up on the islands and the family traditions of putting food on the family graves of past loved ones.
Tita Kathy Collins

Da Bes’ Fo Real Kine

Tita has writer's block, but comes out alive.
Tita Kathy Collins

How dat old saying go?

Tita takes her talk story tradition on the road, up to Yellowknife, Canada.
Tita Kathy Collins

Spring Fevah

“April showahs bring May flowahs.”

New Stories

Fork & Salad

Where freshness meets flavor on Maui By Savy Janssen                    When most people think of “farm to table,” they think of fine dining: candles and white linens,...