Though he didn't set out to become an expert on Hawaiian culture, Keli'i Tau'a may be the most revered teacher of hula and chant you never heard of.
Koli‘i: The RuPaul of the Rain Forest
The native lobelia, koli'i spreads an umbrella of pink blossoms in late summer.
Home Court
For NBA Coach Don Nelson, this custom-designed home in Kula provides the perfect time out.
Eyes on the House of the Sun
Plans to build the world’s largest solar telescope on the summit of Haleakala have set two very different ways of seeing at odds.
Aloha Ed Lindsey
Ed Lindsey’s legacy will endure as long as people with “like minds and like hearts” come together to serve the ‘aina.
In Memoriam Ed Lindsey
Ed Lindsey leaves behind an immense void, as deep and long as Honokowai Valley, where he once stood on the mountainside, calling out, “E, Tutu!”
From the Publisher
Our publisher begins summer vacation on Kaua‘i, with a reunion of family and friends.