May-June 2007

May-June 2007 issue of Maui Nō Ka ʻOi Magazine

The Story Painter

Kirk Kurokawa's extraordinary talent captures the beauty of ordinary people.
old lahaina luau

Cause for Success

Old Lahaina Lu‘au’s high performance goes beyond the stage to embrace community.
Michael Moore

Business Savvy

Old Lahaina Luau's Michael Moore gives tips on great employee relations.


Along the coast of Maui, few things sing summertime more than the wide, rolling southern swells dotted with longboarders.
black rock beach maui

MORE 2007 Shaka List

Read four more "bests," then give us your nominees for best things on Maui.
canoe surfing

Canoes That Carve

The outrageous, white-knuckle sport of outrigger wave riding

Maui No Ka Ouch

To millions of enchanted admirers, Maui comes as close to perfection as nature probably allows. But even this best of all possible worlds has a few shortcomings.
maui honeymoon suite

Sweet Honeymoon Suites

The ultimate honeymoon options for Maui newlyweds
Ivan Pahk

2007 Chef of the Year Ivan Pahk

Maui chef of the year Ivan Pahk’s success is due, in no small part, to his generous participation in Maui’s food scene.
willie k and eric gilliom

10 Most Intriguing People 2007

What these Mauians do makes them worthy of our attention.
formal weddings maui

A Formal Affair

From sequins to Sinatra . . . the five most fabulous wedding trends
publisher's note

Publisher’s Note

Inside this “Best of Maui” issue are treasures to inspire a new adventure or rekindle a fond memory—a thoughtfully chosen list that is quintessentially Maui.
island kitchen

Island Kitchens

From classic plantation style to south shore tech, three fabulous kitchens . . . custom designed for maximum function, beauty and easy island lifestyle.
hawaii graduation lei

Talk Story

Fresh off the coconut wireless