Polynesians navigate Earth's largest ocean by celestial bodies and seabirds, winds and ocean swells.
Choosing What Tastes Good
How did a former banker and an anthropology major become accidental restaurateurs? Maybe Choice was Fate all along.
Be a Hero!
If you care about something, you take care of it. Maui offers many ways to gain that sense of belonging, as these volunteers can attest.
Empty Bowl, Full Heart
Empty Bowl fundraiser at Star Noodle features entertainment, handcrafted art, and Asian-inspired dishes to benefit the Maui Food Bank and others.
Bird Woman
The Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project helps prevent extinction of the island's endangered bird species, including kiwikiu, who need to find a new home.
Sake, for Goodness Sake
Pure, expertly crafted sake is a great alternative to more traditional beverages. Move beyond traditional cultural pairing, and you’ll find an array of compatible offerings.