March-April 2008

March-April 2008 issue of Maui Nō Ka ʻOi Magazine

maui beer

If Can, Can

With a host of national awards and a name everybody’s getting to know, this local brewpub has plenty to cheer about.
Ed Lindsay

2008 Environmental Heroes

Meet five regular folks whose work keeps Maui fabulous.
ichiban okazu

Ten Great Meals for $10

Shake that ten spot out of your piggy bank—we’ve found ten thrifty meals on Maui for you to choose from.
Jojo Vasquez

Agar agar

Chef Jojo Vasquez, assisted by Pastry Chef Ashlie Koehler, conjures up molecular magic with the help of agar-agar.
Tita Kathy Collins

Eh, We Go Talk Trash

See, in da olden days on Maui, back when Tutu and Pops was helping their kids raise their kids, recycling came natural to all us local families.

Side Dish: Musical Chairs

Buckle up for a head-spinning game of restaurant musical chairs.

Ode to Spring: a Draft

Right now it’s spring on Maui. Hold onto your hats!
Wine sommelier

Raise Your Glass

The unadulterated truth about organic wine.
publisher's note

From the Publisher

This issue holds a wellspring of folks with green on their minds. It is to those stewards of our future that this issue is dedicated.

Talk Story

Fresh off the coconut wireless in March.