March-April 2007

March-April 2007 issue of Maui Nō Ka ʻOi Magazine

kanaha beach

2007 Environmental Heroes

MNKO recognizes a few of Maui County’s resident eco-heroes—those who work hard at the grassroots level to restore and protect all things natural to the Islands.
Pu‘u Kukui

Rooted in Mystery

A Glimpse into Pu‘u Kukui, Maui’s Protected Native Plant Heaven

Side Dish: Go Green

When you get to the fork in the road, don't throw it away.


Each spring the tall jacaranda trees lining the Upcountry Maui roadsides begin their slow explosion of color.
off grid maui

Power of Conviction: Off the Grid Advice

Learn more tips from the experts on how to live off-the-grid.
maui food

Here’s the Catch

Can We Have Our Fish and Eat Them, Too?
Elizabeth Soloff

Cayenne Pepper in Your Chocolate

Elizabeth Soloff handcrafts chocolates that make weak-kneed customers moan for more.
maui bog

Bog Dreams

Photos and commentary from a rare trek to Pu‘u Kukui and its enchanted bog.
huelo home

The Power of Conviction

One Woman’s Charge to Live Life off the Grid.
hula tradition

Where Tradition Holds Sway

John Ka‘imikaua's Legacy Lives on through Moloka‘i's Homage to Hula
rene silva

A Force of Nature

Meet Rene Sylva, Maui's Grand Master of Native Plant.
been on tropical flower

Garden of Knowledge

Helping Farmers Combat Disease, Pests, and Challenges of the Global Marketplace