Hawai‘i’s Rarest Orchid
Some of the most delicate-looking and showy orchids grow in Hawaii, yet only three are native. The Hawaiian fringed orchid is the most rare of the three.
The Burning Question
Can the last Hawaii sugar plantation survive without cane fires? What happens to Maui if they stop?
Our Best Beaches
Our picks for best swimming, surfing, family-adventuring and everything-you-might-suddenly-desire beaches.
Playing Their Part
The Maui Academy of Performing Arts could make a revolutionary difference to Maui's economic scene.
Sex and the Coral Polyp
Few people think of corals as animals — which they are — and fewer folks contemplate their sex lives! Yet coral spawns are magical events.
Trial by Water
What can happen during a 2,300 mile yacht race from Canada to Maui? ... “The thrill of experiencing one of life’s biggest adventures," says veteran sailor David Sutcliffe.