Making a Good Home for Wine
Storing wine can be challenging in a climate like Maui’s, where few homes have cellars that can keep bottles naturally cool.
Obama Five-Oh!
Maui celebrity Tita says if the birthers had only gone to Obama's baby luau, there wouldn't be such a fuss about the president's birth certificate.
A Well-intended Tangle
Visiting artist Patrick Doughtery invites you to participate in creating his latest stick work, a monumental installation at the Hui Noeau Visual Arts Center.
A Bay Course Refresher
Changes to the Kapalua Resort's classic Bay Course give golfers something to celebrate.
Shut up and Paddle
On Maui, yearly distance races send paddlers past rugged Kahakuloa, along the colorful Lahaina Pali, and down the scenic East Maui coast.
Best Regional Magazine
Maui No Ka Oi Magazine publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn humbly accepts top honors for Best Regional Magazine at the Western Publishing Association's Maggie Awards.