January-February 2016

January-Febuary 2016 issue of Maui Nō Ka ʻOi Magazine

island jewelry

Treasure Island

Stunning, cute, chic -- these island jewelry pieces will delight you, no matter what your style!
find missing lost ring on maui


“When you get in [cold] water, you lose two ring sizes. There are thousands of rings in the ocean because of that.”
Island Gourmet

The Chef behind the Gourmet

Lloyd Aoki’s ABCs are compassion, knowledge and hard work.
Maui Kapalua home

Cool Comfort

Kapalua Plantation Estates on Maui’s northwest coast luxuriates in sea breezes and ocean views.
Central Pacific Bank

Keeping Good Company

The companies spotlighted here have defied the odds over the past two decades while others shut down. How have these businesses managed to survive?
best Maui spas

7 Splendid Spas

Nothing is more luxurious than placing yourself in the hands of an expert massage therapist.
Japengo Maui sushi

Raw Talent

Meet the chefs behind Hyatt’s stellar sushi and seafood.
Wailea Golf Club


The official color of luxury.
Hana Hwy Mural

Radio Shack

Folks who regularly drive Hana Highway watch for a small concrete structure between Ho‘okipa Beach Park and Maliko Gulch, because every week or two, somebody repaints it.
Willie Nelson

Looking Back

Launching Maui No Ka ‘Oi - The first issue was just fifty pages, and the publication came out four times a year.
Haynes family photo

Happy 20th Birthday, MNKO!

In 1996, hard work and a true-grit spirit of survival launched Maui No Ka ‘Oi — along with a mentor with a heart.
valentines gifts 2016

Aloha Gear & Decor

So many ways to say it, and there’s never been a better time. You can take our word for it.