When does the first magazine in my subscription arrive?
Usually within 4 weeks. If you need a magazine sooner, such as for a gift, please stop by or call our office in Wailuku to expedite your order (nominal shipping charges may apply): 808-242-8331.
Is my subscription refundable?
Yes, no questions asked, we are happy to provide a full refund on all remaining magazines in your subscriptions or gift subscriptions. We can also transfer remaining issues in a subscription to another subscriber, such as in the case of death of a family member.
How do I initiate a refund?
Call us at 808-242-8331 or email subscriptions@flagshippublishing.com. Refund checks are typically processed once a month within about four weeks of the refund request.
Which issue will my subscription or gift subscription start with?
Subscriptions marked as “Christmas or Holidays” begin with the January/February issue unless requested otherwise. All other subscriptions start with the “current” issue according to orders received between these dates: 12/2 to 2/1 – January/February; 2/2 to 4/1 – March/April; 4/2 to 6/1 – May/June; 6/2-8/1 – July/August; 8/2-10/1 – September/October; 10/2 to 12/1 – November/December.
What do I do if I miss an issue or receive a damaged copy?
Uh, oh, let’s get that corrected! Call or email us and we’ll get a replacement copy out right away: 808-242-8331 or subscriptions@flagshippublishing.com.
How do I know when my magazine subscription expires?
We print your “Renewal needed by” date above your name on each magazine. Also, if you get a renewal notice from us in the mail, then your subscription and gift subscriptions are up for renewal within two issues, or sooner. Would you be a pal, and help us save money by renewing when you receive the first renewal notice?
Can I order subscriptions to be sent out of state and out of the country?
Yes, subscriptions are an additional $30/year for shipping to Canada and all other foreign countries.