9 Hale o Pi‘ilani at Kahanu Garden
Stand beneath the fifty-foot-high exterior wall of Hale o Pi‘ilani to gain a new perspective on Hawaiian architecture. Eight centuries ago, Hawaiians passed rocks hand-to-hand from as far as seven miles away to build this colossal three-acre heiau (temple). Today the awe-inspiring structure is surrounded by a living museum of hala (pandanus) trees and canoe plants. If that weren’t enough, the site houses world’s largest collection of ‘ulu (breadfruit), maintained by the National Tropical Botanical Garden. Could the starchy, cannonball-sized fruit ease world hunger? Its proponents think so. Ula‘ino Road, Hāna. 808-248-8912, NTBG.org, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Self-guided tour with booklet, $10. Photo by John Giordani
10 Lei Day
For the week surrounding May first, public and private schools celebrate aloha with flower-decked hula and song competitions. Come see and hear. Learning has never sounded nor smelled so sweet. Photo by Mieko Horikoshi
11 Huliau Zero Waste events
Malia Cahill and the amazing keiki (kids) at Maui Huliau have expanded from filmmaking to waste reduction. Seriously . . . could they be any cooler? These hip students will supply your event with reusable bamboo sporks and compostable plates and cheerfully ensure guests toss compost and recyclables into proper bins. “Reducing the amount of waste we produce is our kuleana [privilege/responsibility] for living on this beautiful island,” says fifteen-year-old Dylan Falces. We agree! MauiHuliauFoundation.org/ZeroWaste Photo by Bryan Berkowitz
12 Hāna Burger
East Maui sunshine must be the magic ingredient at Hāna Ranch’s charming new food truck. Nearly every item on the menu — from the juicy, grass-fed beef burger to the green papaya slaw and pickled daikon — is grown or caught nearby and superbly delicious. Open 11 a.m.–4 p.m. 5670 Hāna Highway, just past Hāna town. 808-268-2820